How to Get Rid of Butt Acne
Pimples are annoying and not good to feel and see. It is even more inconvenient to have them on your buttocks. These butt acne can be painful and irritating especially when you need to sit down for long periods.
It is easy to get rid of pimples on buttock but the difficult part is removing them permanently. If you think you have this unique acne problem, then you are totally wrong. There are also lots of other people who are experiencing painful and red pimples on the buttocks. Now, the common idea of these people is to find solutions or treatments for these butt acne.
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It is difficult to find treatment for butt acne especially for people who sit down for long period of hours. Sitting down can even irritate the pimples and cause them to even multiple and be infected. These infected pimples are even more painful to handle. Rubbing the skin with the clothes irritate the pimples which causes them to have an outbreak.
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Sitting down for long periods can cause the pimples to get pricked and warm which may result to infected pimples and even more outbreak.
So what can you do to get rid of butt acne?
Here are some of my recommendations:
It will help if you wear cotton underwear. This material helps in making the skin breathe. Fresh air for the skin keeps it dry and healthy all the time.
You can also put on powder or cornstarch in your underwear to keep the buttocks dry. It will also help to get relief from the itchiness and irritations that the pimples give.
You can also wash your buttocks with a cleanser that is non-drying. You can facial wash specifically for acne prevention.
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You should also take a multi vitamin. An outbreak of pimples simply means that you lack some vitamins and minerals. This will help in giving your body and skin the right amount of nutrients it needs to stay healthy and blemish free.
If your work requires sitting for long periods, you may take breaks by standing up for a few minutes. Do this every hour or two just to let your buttocks skin breath.
If the pimples get too irritating and itchy, do not scratch them or you will spread out the bacteria all over your body.
It will help if you see a doctor that can prescribe you with the right product to use on your buttocks pimples. They can also give you tips or methods that you can do whenever you need to take long periods of sitting down. It is truly embarrassing to show someone your problem on your buttocks. Btw these doctors are well knowledgeable on what to do with the problem and the right treatment will surely help.
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How To Get Rid Of Butt Acne Naturally
How to avoid pimples on buttocks
These red and painful buttocks pimples can be avoided with simple things that you do everyday. If you can, keep away from fatty and unhealthy foods. It is better if you keep a healthy and balanced diet. This way, your skin will also be healthy and prevent pimples to appear in any part of your body. Take lots of fruits, vegetables and water. These helps your body flush out the toxins which causes different skin problems like acne and pimples.
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Also, maintain hygiene. Keep yourself clean at all times to prevent bacteria from getting near you. Wear clean clothes at all times. Choose cotton underwear to keep your buttocks dry and let your skin breathe. It is also better to use mild soap. If you will wash your buttocks, avoid too much rubbing as the skin gets irritated and bacteria may slowly set in. keep your body clean by taking a bath at least twice a day. Dry your buttocks thoroughly before dressing up. Make sure that there is no moisture left on your buttocks before putting your underwear on. Always remember to keep your buttocks clean and dry at all times.
Knowing what causes buttocks pimples can be a great help to prevent having them. Having red and painful buttocks pimples can really be inconvenient and uncomfortable. In case of an outbreak, it is better to consult a dermatologist so that you may know the proper ways to get rid of them safely and effectively.